Spider webs everywhere! Spider webs all over the budding trees. Sticky, gooey spider webs. But these were not the spider webs of horror films. They sparkled with a golden brilliance as the early morning sun beamed through the many drops of dew that hung from the webs.
The sunrise seen through a dew drop on a tree bud.
Unfortunately, for me, I was not carrying my camera that morning. I had planned to just take a relaxing walk in the neighborhood park. I didn't expect to see such a dazzling site.
I thought to myself, I'll just come back tomorrow.
The sunrise glows through a dew drop.
Now, I know that spiders' webs don't last but a day. The next evening they normally spin a new one. But unfortunately, this was not the case this time. The next morning when I returned with camera in hand there were no spider webs. Where did they go?
What do I do now? There's nothing to photograph?
Suddenly a quote I had read some time ago in a photo magazine came to mind. “I asked not what I will take today, but what will I be given.”
“Okay, God,” I prayed. “What are you giving me to photograph this morning?” I began to look for the unexpected and I saw something I would not have noticed. I began to look at the dew on the leafless branches. The early morning sun sparkled, coming through the drops as it did with the spider webs. I photographed that instead and collected a couple of amazing photographs.
Morning dew on a spider web from another place on another day
Sometimes God gives us the unexpected. When that happens we ought to make the most of it.