Compassion Corner

Monday, August 19, 2013

Christ Alone

            When we read the Gospels we read many fascinating accounts of the life and works of Jesus. Stories of healings, other miracles and life transforming teachings that reached down into our inner being. Each one of us possesses many personal favorites.
Badlands National Park, South Dakota

            Stories of a blind man receiving his site; stories of a little girl raised to life; stories of the faith of a Roman centurion whose love for his servant caused him to approach Jesus with the utmost humility to see that servant healed. And of course the favorite story of all is how Jesus died on the cross for our sin and rose from the dead.

            But there are also many stories that slip by unnoticed. Over a dozen times the four Gospels say how Jesus slipped away to the wilderness. Why did Jesus seek the quiet of creation? Do you think he may have known something?

            We forget to take time to get away from our fast paced culture ––away to the quiet of the wilderness. Christ set many examples for us in the Scripture. It appears we have forgotten this one.

            Perhaps if we spend more time alone in the wilderness and seek God we will learn something new; that being in creation is a great place to meet the Creator.

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