Compassion Corner

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Spiritual Nature

     One July morning a few years ago my wife and I headed up to the top of Mount Chapin in Rocky Mountain National Park. We arrived at the peak shortly after the sun rose to spread its golden light across the mountaintops.
My Wife enjoys the view on Mount Chapin

     We planned on hiking up two other mountains that morning, but before we plotted on we paused for a bit on the side of Chapin to take in the view. When we did we not only saw the beauty and vastness of the creation but it told us of the beauty and vastness of its Creator. Through the power and majesty of the landscape we saw the power and majesty of God. The creation spoke to us that morning.

A columbine on the Mountainside
A marmot on top of Chapin
     A photo from that tranquil moment appears on the homepage of my website The photo captures how my wife likes to take in the vistas of creation and how they speak to her about God.

     When we read Romans chapter 1 we see that the Scripture is clear; creation reveals the divine attributes of God. My wife and I saw those attributes that morning as we have on many other mornings and days spent in His creation.

My wife and I on Chapin
     Those who don't follow Christ tell us there's something spiritual about "nature". They are correct, unfortunately they miss where the spirituality points. It points us to the wonderful, loving, creative hand of God.

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